Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day has become one of my favorite holidays. I love all things natural and eco-responsible, so having a day where the whole country is extra-conscious of that stuff makes me so happy!

This will be the 4th year of an Earth Day tradition that Erik and I have, watching a documentary. Usually we go see the DisneyNature film that comes out in theaters this time every year, but this year there's a gap and it turns out that next year is Bears, about Alaskan grizzly bears. I guess the production on this one is taking longer for some reason.

Previously, we've gone to see Oceans (2010), African Cats (2011), and Chimpanzee (2012). This year we're going to find one on Netflix to watch. Even though it means we'll be sitting inside staring at a screen (ironic, no?), our tradition of watching a documentary is a fun way to become more aware and educated about our Earth.

I also spent most of the weekend making Earth-friendly projects, which I will be sharing with you soon!

For now, though, there are starlings outside the window, fresh tulips on the table, and so much sunshine that there are no lights on in the house. Living on this Earth is wonderful.

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